
BIA has launched a project to promote longer working lives

BIA has launched a project to promote longer working lives

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Representatives of the branch chambers of the woodworking and furniture industry, the metallurgical industry, machine-building, chemical industry, construction, tourism, beer producers, etc. participated today, October 1, 2019, in a working meeting at BIA in connection with the launch of a project dedicated to the so-called ‘active aging’.

The project ‘Joint actions of the social partners for adapting the working environment to the specific ageing needs of different generations with the aim to promote a longer working life and workability’ is funded with BGN 1.7 million by the European Social Fund through OP ‘Human Resources Development’ and will be implemented by BIA, in partnership with CITUB, over the next two years.

The main goals of the project are:

  • overcoming labor shortages and increasing the share of the employed by promoting longer working lives and the ability to work;
  • adaptation of the policies for management of people in the enterprises and of the industrial relations to the changing demographic tendencies and aging of the labor force and creation of preconditions for the development of the so-called ‘Silver economy’;
  • development of a social partnership to provide and maintain a work environment, adapted to the specific age needs of different generations and the need to transfer knowledge and experience between generations in the workplace.

The project will carry out a series of studies, research and analysis, will develop methodological materials, sectoral strategies and policies to promote and support the processes associated with active aging and the implementation of the intergenerational approach.