Tools and models

Innovative tools and models for analysis and adaptation of the work environment to the specific age needs of different generations of the workforce and the need to transfer knowledge and experience between generations in the workplace

The aim of the activity is to adapt human resources management policies and industrial relations to the changing demographic trends and aging of the workforce by developing and testing innovative tools and models for improving the quality of jobs and adapting the work environment to the specific age needs of different generations, active aging and transfer of knowledge and skills between generations in the workplace.

The activity will contribute to the implementation of the state policy regarding the measures related to the promotion of the active life of the elderly in the field of employment, set in the National Strategy for Active Ageing in Bulgaria (2019-2030). Conditions will be created for improving the professional and health status of the workforce and providing conditions for a longer working life. The created and pilot tested tools and models in selected enterprises from 10 pilot sectors will find wide application in other sectors of the Bulgarian economy as well.

Their choice in this project proposal is a result of the policy recommendations and measures set out in the European social partners' autonomous framework agreement on active ageing and an inter-generational approach, signed on 8 March 2017 between BusinessEurope, the UEAPME, CEEP and ETUC. Their specificity, content and practical application will be determined in the process of project implementation, after in-depth research of the target area in Europe, after establishing the specifics of the problems regarding active aging and the intergenerational approach in Bulgaria (Activity 1) and the agreement reached between the social partners at branch level (Activity 2).


The following tools will be created and tested:

  • Guide for managing generational differences
  • Guide for mentors on techniques in the transfer of knowledge and experience between generations
  • Guides for adapting jobs and activities to the specific needs and capabilities of people with chronic diseases
  • Model for description, ergonomics and design (reorganization) of the workplace, in accordance with the needs of age and the promotion of longer working life and ability to work
  • Electronic tool for age-related safety and health risk assessment at the workplace
  • Electronic tool for assessing the factors in the work environment causing professional exhaustion (burnout)

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