Best practice
Exploring international practices and experience in the intergenerational approach and promoting a longer working life and ability to work
The National Round Table ‘Approaches to providing a working environment compliant to the specific age needs of different generations of the workforce and promoting longer working lives and workability’ aims to share and present the results and conclusions of the studies, conducted under Activity 1 of the Project, to reflect the views, ideas of stakeholders (including social partners) to raise awareness and commitment of target groups to the project objectives.
Representatives of the managements of state institutions will take part in the national round table: MLSP, MES, MH, EA, NSI , NSSI, NRA, NHIF; representatives of the managements of the nationally representative organizations of employers and employees - BICA, CEIBG, BCCI, SSIBG, CITUB, PODKREPA; researchers in the field of active aging and generational differences; members of the managements of the 10 branch employers' organizations - participating in the project; employers and human resource managers from enterprises; members of the managements of branch organizations of the employees, etc.
The National Round Table aims to generate ideas and proposals for the development and implementation of effective measures and mechanisms for:
The event will be held remotely as an interactive National Round Table through the portal
The results of the performed research will be published during the event, and participant will be able to join a discussion on the problems of active aging and the intergenerational approach, in order to reflect the views of all stakeholders on the studied problems.
The conducted analyzes, presented in the portal, planned in accordance with the recommendations set out in the European social partners' autonomous framework agreement on active ageing and an inter-generational approach, signed on 8 March 2017 between BusinessEurope, the UEAPME, CEEP and ETUC, are: