
Methodological guidelines and sectoral strategic documents for social partnership and introduction of policies and practices related to active workforce aging and the intergenerational approach

The specific objectives of the activity are:

  • to methodically support the activities of the social partners, managers in enterprises, human resources specialists and trade unionists (employees' representatives) in the introduction of policies and practices to improve social dialogue and human resources management, with an emphasis on providing a working environment, adapted to the specific age needs of different generations and promoting a longer working life and ability to work;
  • to develop and coordinate with the social partners specific sectoral strategic documents in at least 10 sectors related to active aging and the intergenerational approach.

Within the activity, 3 sub-activities will be carried out as follows:

  • Development of methodological guidelines for the introduction of partnership policies and practices in human resource management, with an emphasis on providing a working environment tailored to the specific age needs of different generations and promoting a longer working life and ability to work
  • Development of sectoral strategic documents for social partnership and introduction of policies and practices in human resource management related to active workforce aging and the intergenerational approach
  • Conducting sectoral (branch) meetings of the social partners

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