
BIA launched a project under OPHRD to promote longer work lives

BIA launched a project under OPHRD to promote longer work lives

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The Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy and Head of the Managing Authority of the Operational Program ‘Human Resources Development’, Zornitsa Russinova, and the President of the Bulgarian Industrial Association, Radosvet Radev, signed the contract for the project ‘Joint actions of the social partners for adapting the working environment to the specific ageing needs of different generations with the aim to promote a longer working life and workability'.

The contract is worth over BGN 1.7 million. Its purpose is to test innovative models for analysis and adaptation of work environment to the specific needs of different generations, as well as transfer of knowledge and experience between generations in the workplace. The tested tools and strategic documents, related to the active aging of the workforce, will be implemented in enterprises. Methodological guidelines and strategic documents for social partnership, related to the problems in the management of human resources related to the active aging of the workforce, would be developed.

BIA's partner in the implementation of the contract is CITUB, and associated partners are the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) and the Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association (BICA). The project will be implemented from October 1, 2019 to December 1, 2021. The project will cover 100 enterprises from 10 sectors of the Bulgarian economy, as well as 1000 employees.